The mesoscale Hydrological Model
No Matches
mo_coupling_type Module Reference

Types to specify the coupling configuration of mHM. More...

Data Types

module  couple_cfg_type
 This is a container to hold all coupling configurations for mHM. More...


subroutine clean_up (self)
 clean up
subroutine read_config (self, file_namelist, unamelist)
 read configuration for the couple_cfg_type class from the mhm namelist
subroutine set_config (self, case, meteo_timestep, meteo_time_ref_endpoint, meteo_expect_pre, meteo_expect_temp, meteo_expect_pet, meteo_expect_tmin, meteo_expect_tmax, meteo_expect_netrad, meteo_expect_absvappress, meteo_expect_windspeed, meteo_expect_ssrd, meteo_expect_strd, meteo_expect_tann, read_nml)
 set configuration for the couple_cfg_type class
logical function any_meteo_expected (self)
 whether any meteo data is expected
subroutine check (self, domainmeta, optimize)
 check configuration
logical function active (self)
 whether coupling is actived

Detailed Description

Types to specify the coupling configuration of mHM.

Sebastian Mueller
Apr 2023

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ active()

logical function mo_coupling_type::active ( class(couple_cfg_type), intent(in)  self)

whether coupling is actived

True if any case > 0, else False

Definition at line 299 of file mo_coupling_type.f90.

References active().

Referenced by active().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ any_meteo_expected()

logical function mo_coupling_type::any_meteo_expected ( class(couple_cfg_type), intent(in)  self)

whether any meteo data is expected

True if any meteo data expected, else False

Definition at line 249 of file mo_coupling_type.f90.

References any_meteo_expected().

Referenced by any_meteo_expected().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check()

subroutine mo_coupling_type::check ( class(couple_cfg_type), intent(inout)  self,
type(domain_meta), intent(in)  domainmeta,
logical, intent(in)  optimize 

check configuration

[in]domainmetadomain general description
[in]optimizeOptimization (.true. ) or Evaluation run (.false.)

Definition at line 270 of file mo_coupling_type.f90.

◆ clean_up()

subroutine mo_coupling_type::clean_up ( class(couple_cfg_type), intent(inout)  self)

clean up

Definition at line 67 of file mo_coupling_type.f90.

◆ read_config()

subroutine mo_coupling_type::read_config ( class(couple_cfg_type), intent(inout)  self,
character(*), intent(in)  file_namelist,
integer, intent(in)  unamelist 

read configuration for the couple_cfg_type class from the mhm namelist

[in]file_namelistmhm namelist file
[in]unamelistunit to open namelist file

Definition at line 78 of file mo_coupling_type.f90.

◆ set_config()

subroutine mo_coupling_type::set_config ( class(couple_cfg_type), intent(inout)  self,
integer(i4), intent(in), optional  case,
integer(i4), intent(in), optional  meteo_timestep,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_time_ref_endpoint,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_pre,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_temp,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_pet,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_tmin,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_tmax,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_netrad,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_absvappress,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_windspeed,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_ssrd,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_strd,
logical, intent(in), optional  meteo_expect_tann,
logical, intent(in), optional  read_nml 

set configuration for the couple_cfg_type class

[in]casecoupling case
[in]meteo_timesteptimestep for meteo-data from coupling
[in]meteo_time_ref_endpointexpect meteo has time reference point at end of time interval
[in]meteo_expect_preexpect meteo from coupling: [mm] Precipitation
[in]meteo_expect_tempexpect meteo from coupling: [degC] Air temperature
[in]meteo_expect_petexpect meteo from coupling: [mm TS-1] Potential evapotranspiration
[in]meteo_expect_tminexpect meteo from coupling: [degC] minimum daily air temperature
[in]meteo_expect_tmaxexpect meteo from coupling: [degC] maximum daily air temperature
[in]meteo_expect_netradexpect meteo from coupling: [W m2] net radiation
[in]meteo_expect_absvappressexpect meteo from coupling: [Pa] absolute vapour pressure
[in]meteo_expect_windspeedexpect meteo from coupling: [m s-1] windspeed
[in]meteo_expect_ssrdexpect meteo from coupling: [W m2] short wave radiation
[in]meteo_expect_strdexpect meteo from coupling: [W m2] long wave radiation
[in]meteo_expect_tannexpect meteo from coupling: [degC] annual mean air temperature
[in]read_nmlwhether to read the namelist (or set via routine)

Definition at line 173 of file mo_coupling_type.f90.