14 use mo_kind,
only : i4, dp
16 use mo_message,
only : message, error_message
67subroutine mpr(mask0, geoUnit0, soilId0, Asp0, gridded_LAI0, LCover0, slope_emp0, y0, Id0, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, &
68 left_bound1, right_bound1, n_subcells1, fSealed1, alpha1, degDayInc1, degDayMax1, degDayNoPre1, fAsp1, &
69 HarSamCoeff1, PrieTayAlpha1, aeroResist1, surfResist1, fRoots1, kFastFlow1, kSlowFlow1, kBaseFlow1, &
70 kPerco1, karstLoss1, soilMoistFC1, soilMoistSat1, soilMoistExp1, jarvis_thresh_c1, tempThresh1, &
71 unsatThresh1, sealedThresh1, wiltingPoint1, maxInter1, petLAIcorFactor, &
72 No_Count1, bulkDens1, latticeWater1, COSMICL31, &
88 logical,
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: mask0
90 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: geounit0
92 integer(i4),
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: soilid0
94 real(dp),
intent(in) :: asp0
96 real(dp),
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: gridded_lai0
98 integer(i4),
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: lcover0
100 real(dp),
intent(in) :: slope_emp0
102 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: id0
104 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: upper_bound1
106 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: lower_bound1
108 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: left_bound1
110 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: right_bound1
112 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: n_subcells1
114 real(dp),
intent(in) :: y0
116 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: fsealed1
118 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: soilmoistexp1
120 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: jarvis_thresh_c1
122 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: soilmoistsat1
124 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: soilmoistfc1
126 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: wiltingpoint1
128 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: froots1
130 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: tempthresh1
132 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: degdaynopre1
134 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: degdaymax1
136 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: degdayinc1
138 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: fasp1
140 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: harsamcoeff1
142 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: prietayalpha1
144 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: aeroresist1
146 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: surfresist1
148 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: sealedthresh1
150 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: unsatthresh1
152 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: kfastflow1
154 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: kslowflow1
156 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: kbaseflow1
158 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: alpha1
160 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: kperco1
162 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: karstloss1
164 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: maxinter1
166 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: petlaicorfactor
168 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: no_count1
170 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: bulkdens1
172 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: latticewater1
174 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(inout) :: cosmicl31
177 real(dp),
target :: parameterset
180 real(dp),
pointer :: param
182 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
allocatable :: thetas_till
184 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
allocatable :: thetafc_till
186 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
allocatable :: thetapw_till
189 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
allocatable :: ks
192 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
allocatable :: db
193 real(dp),
dimension(:, :),
allocatable :: thetas
194 real(dp),
dimension(:, :),
allocatable :: thetafc
195 real(dp),
dimension(:, :),
allocatable :: thetapw
198 real(dp),
allocatable :: latwat_till
199 real(dp),
allocatable :: cosmic_l3_till
200 real(dp),
allocatable :: latwat
201 real(dp),
allocatable :: cosmic_l3
206 real(dp),
allocatable :: ksvar_h0
210 real(dp),
allocatable :: ksvar_v0
214 real(dp),
allocatable :: sms_fc0
217 real(dp),
dimension(size(Id0, 1)) :: k2_0
220 real(dp),
allocatable :: k2_1
223 real(dp),
dimension(size(Id0, 1)) :: fasp0
238 integer(i4) :: istart
244 integer(i4) :: istart2
253 real(dp),
dimension(size(fSealed1, dim = 1)) :: fforest1
256 real(dp),
dimension(size(fSealed1, dim = 1)) :: fperm1
259 if (
260 param => parameterset
267 do iilc = 1,
size(lcover0, 2)
297 fperm1(:) = 1.0_dp - fsealed1(:, 1, iilc) - fforest1(:)
309 fforest1, fsealed1(:, 1, iilc), fperm1, &
310 tempthresh1(:, 1, iilc), degdaynopre1(:, 1, iilc), &
311 degdayinc1(:, 1, iilc), degdaymax1(:, 1, iilc) &
314 call error_message(
'***ERROR: Process description for process "snow pack" does not exist! mo_multi_param_reg')
320 msoil =
soildb%is_present, 1)
321 mlc = maxval(lcover0(:, iilc), (lcover0(:, iilc) .ne.
340 allocate(thetas_till(msoil, mtill, mlc))
341 allocate(thetafc_till(msoil, mtill, mlc))
342 allocate(thetapw_till(msoil, mtill, mlc))
343 allocate(thetas(msoil, mhor))
344 allocate(thetafc(msoil, mhor))
345 allocate(thetapw(msoil, mhor))
346 allocate(ks(msoil, mhor, mlc))
347 allocate(db(msoil, mhor, mlc))
351 allocate( latwat_till(msoil, mtill, mlc))
352 allocate(cosmic_l3_till(msoil, mtill, mlc))
353 allocate( latwat(msoil, mhor ))
354 allocate( cosmic_l3(msoil, mhor ))
355 latwat_till = 0.000001_dp
356 cosmic_l3_till = 0.000001_dp
357 cosmic_l3 = 0.000001_dp
365 allocate(ksvar_h0(
size(id0, 1)))
366 allocate(ksvar_v0(
size(id0, 1)))
367 allocate( sms_fc0(
size(id0, 1)))
422 call error_message(
'***ERROR: Process description for process "soil moisture parametrization"', &
423 'does not exist! mo_multi_param_reg')
429 id0, soilid0, lcover0(:, iilc), &
430 thetas_till, thetafc_till, thetapw_till, thetas, &
431 thetafc, thetapw, ks, db, ksvar_h0, ksvar_v0, sms_fc0)
452 lcover0(:, iilc), soilid0, &
454 thetas_till, thetafc_till, thetapw_till, &
455 thetas, thetafc, thetapw, &
458 upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, n_subcells1, &
459 soilmoistexp1(:, :, iilc), soilmoistsat1(:, :, iilc), soilmoistfc1(:, :, iilc), &
460 wiltingpoint1(:, :, iilc), froots1(:, :, iilc), &
462 latwat_till, cosmic_l3_till, latwat, cosmic_l3, &
463 bulkdens1(:,:,iilc), latticewater1(:,:,iilc), cosmicl31(:,:,iilc) &
466 deallocate(thetas_till)
467 deallocate(thetafc_till)
468 deallocate(thetapw_till)
476 deallocate( latwat_till )
477 deallocate( cosmic_l3_till )
479 deallocate( cosmic_l3 )
489 id0, n_subcells1, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, &
490 aeroresist1(:, :, iilc))
496 lcover0(:, iilc), gridded_lai0, mask0, id0, &
497 upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, &
498 right_bound1, n_subcells1, petlaicorfactor(:, :, iilc))
511 call mpr_runoff(lcover0(:, iilc), mask0, sms_fc0, slope_emp0, &
512 ksvar_h0, param(istart : iend), id0, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, &
513 left_bound1, right_bound1, n_subcells1, unsatthresh1(:, 1, 1), kfastflow1(:, 1, iilc), &
514 kslowflow1(:, 1, iilc), alpha1(:, 1, iilc))
516 call error_message(
'***ERROR: Process description for process "interflow" does not exist! mo_multi_param_reg')
528 param(istart : iend), &
530 sms_fc0, ksvar_v0, id0, &
531 n_subcells1, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, &
532 karstloss1(:, 1, 1), kperco1(:, 1, iilc) &
536 call error_message(
'***ERROR: Process description for process "percolation" does not exist! mo_multi_param_reg')
555 call error_message(
'***ERROR: Process description for process "runoff_generation" does not exist! mo_multi_param_reg')
569 left_bound1, right_bound1, id0, mask0,
nodata_dp, fasp0)
575 left_bound1, right_bound1, id0, mask0,
nodata_dp, fasp0)
576 harsamcoeff1 = param(iend)
581 mask0,
nodata_dp, id0, n_subcells1, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, &
582 prietayalpha1(:, :, 1))
588 nodata_dp, id0, n_subcells1, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, &
589 surfresist1(:, :, 1))
591 call error_message(
'***ERROR: Process description for process "pet correction" does not exist! mo_multi_param_reg')
606 allocate(k2_1(
size(kbaseflow1, 1)))
608 left_bound1, right_bound1, id0, mask0,
nodata_dp, k2_0)
610 do iilc = 1,
size(lcover0, 2)
611 kbaseflow1(:, 1, iilc) = k2_1
618 if (
processmatrix(7, 1) .gt. 0) kbaseflow1 = merge(kslowflow1, kbaseflow1, kbaseflow1 .lt. kslowflow1)
621 call error_message(
'***ERROR: Process description for process "baseflow Recession" does not exist! mo_multi_param_reg')
635 no_count1 = param(istart)
640 no_count1 = param(istart)
642 call error_message(
'***ERROR: Process description for process "Neutron count" does not exist! mo_multi_param_reg')
651 gridded_lai0, n_subcells1, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, id0, mask0, &
697 real(dp),
intent(in) :: param
700 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: geoUnit0
703 real(dp),
intent(out) :: k2_0
709 integer(i4),
dimension(1) :: gg
713 call error_message(
' mo_multi_param_reg: baseflow_param: size mismatch, subroutine baseflow parameters ')
719 do ii = 1,
722 k2_0(ii) = param(gg(1))
805 real(dp),
intent(in) :: param
808 real(dp),
intent(in) :: fForest1
811 real(dp),
intent(in) :: fIperm1
814 real(dp),
intent(in) :: fPerm1
817 real(dp),
intent(out) :: tempThresh1
820 real(dp),
intent(out) :: degDayNoPre1
823 real(dp),
intent(out) :: degDayMax1
826 real(dp),
intent(out) :: degDayInc1
828 real(dp) :: tmp_degreeDayFactor_forest, tmp_degreeDayFactor_impervious, tmp_degreeDayFactor_pervious
830 real(dp) :: tmp_maxDegreeDayFactor_forest, tmp_maxDegreeDayFactor_impervious, tmp_maxDegreeDayFactor_pervious
833 tmp_degreedayfactor_forest = param(2)
834 tmp_degreedayfactor_impervious = param(2) + param(4) + param(3)
835 tmp_degreedayfactor_pervious = param(2) + param(4)
836 tmp_maxdegreedayfactor_forest = param(2) + param(6)
837 tmp_maxdegreedayfactor_impervious = param(2) + param(4) + param(3) + param(7)
838 tmp_maxdegreedayfactor_pervious = param(2) + param(4) + param(8)
840 tempthresh1 = param(1)
841 degdayinc1 = param(5)
844 tmp_degreedayfactor_forest * fforest1 + &
845 tmp_degreedayfactor_impervious * fiperm1 + &
846 tmp_degreedayfactor_pervious * fperm1)
848 tmp_maxdegreedayfactor_forest * fforest1 + &
849 tmp_maxdegreedayfactor_impervious * fiperm1 + &
850 tmp_maxdegreedayfactor_pervious * fperm1)
887 real(dp),
intent(in) :: param
889 real(dp),
dimension(:, :, :),
intent(out) :: sealedThresh1
892 sealedthresh1 = param(1)
944 subroutine karstic_layer(param, geoUnit0, mask0, SMs_FC0, KsVar_V0, Id0, n_subcells1, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, &
945 left_bound1, right_bound1, karstLoss1, L1_Kp)
954 real(dp),
intent(in) :: param
957 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: geoUnit0
960 logical,
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: mask0
964 real(dp),
intent(in) :: SMs_FC0
967 real(dp),
intent(in) :: KsVar_V0
970 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: Id0
973 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: n_subcells1
976 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: upper_bound1
979 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: lower_bound1
982 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: left_bound1
985 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: right_bound1
988 real(dp),
intent(out) :: karstLoss1
991 real(dp),
intent(out) :: L1_Kp
994 real(dp),
allocatable :: fKarArea
997 real(dp),
dimension(size(SMs_FC0, 1)) :: tmp
999 integer(i4) :: nGeoUnits
1009 tmp = merge(param(1) * (1.0_dp + sms_fc0) / (1.0_dp + ksvar_v0), &
1014 left_bound1, right_bound1, id0, mask0,
nodata_dp, tmp)
1017 l1_kp = merge(2.0_dp, l1_kp, l1_kp .lt. 2.0_dp)
1022 allocate(fkararea(
size(karstloss1, 1)))
1028 upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, n_subcells1)
1032 karstloss1 = 1.0_dp - (fkararea * param(2))
1034 deallocate(fkararea)
1077 right_bound1, Id0, mask0, nodata, max_intercept1)
1079 use mo_string_utils,
only : num2str
1085 integer(i4),
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: processmatrix
1088 real(dp),
intent(in) :: param
1091 real(dp),
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: lai0
1094 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: n_subcells1
1097 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: upper_bound1
1100 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: lower_bound1
1103 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: left_bound1
1106 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: right_bound1
1109 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: id0
1112 logical,
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: mask0
1115 real(dp),
intent(in) :: nodata
1118 real(dp),
dimension(:, :),
intent(out) :: max_intercept1
1120 integer(i4) :: istart, iend, it
1122 real(dp),
allocatable :: max_intercept0
1124 real(dp),
allocatable :: gamma_intercept
1130 select case(processmatrix(1, 1))
1132 istart = processmatrix(1, 3) - processmatrix(1, 2) + 1
1133 iend = processmatrix(1, 3)
1136 allocate(gamma_intercept(iend - istart + 1))
1137 allocate(max_intercept0(
size(id0, 1)))
1140 gamma_intercept(:) = param(istart : iend)
1142 do it = 1,
size(lai0, 2)
1144 max_intercept0(:) = lai0(:, it) * gamma_intercept(1)
1149 right_bound1, id0, mask0, nodata, max_intercept0(:))
1153 deallocate(gamma_intercept)
1154 deallocate(max_intercept0)
1156 call error_message(
'mo_multi_param_reg: This processMatrix=', num2str(processmatrix(1, 1)),
' is not implemented!')
1204 left_bound1, right_bound1, aerodyn_resistance1)
1213 real(dp),
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: LAI0
1216 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: LCover0
1219 real(dp),
intent(in) :: param
1222 logical,
dimension(:, :),
intent(in) :: mask0
1225 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: Id0
1228 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: n_subcells1
1231 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: upper_bound1
1234 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: lower_bound1
1237 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: left_bound1
1240 integer(i4),
intent(in) :: right_bound1
1243 real(dp),
dimension(:, :),
intent(out) :: aerodyn_resistance1
1247 real(dp),
allocatable :: maxLAI
1249 real(dp),
allocatable :: zm
1251 real(dp),
allocatable :: canopy_height0
1253 real(dp),
allocatable :: zm_zero, zh_zero, displace
1257 real(dp),
dimension(:, :),
allocatable :: aerodyn_resistance0
1261 allocate(zm(
size(lcover0, dim = 1))) ; zm =
1262 allocate(zm_zero(
size(lcover0, dim = 1))) ; zm_zero =
1263 allocate(zh_zero(
size(lcover0, dim = 1))) ; zh_zero =
1264 allocate(displace(
size(lcover0, dim = 1))) ; displace =
1265 allocate(canopy_height0(
size(lcover0, dim = 1))) ; canopy_height0 =
1266 allocate(aerodyn_resistance0(
size(lcover0, dim = 1),
size(lai0, 2))) ; aerodyn_resistance0 =
1267 allocate(maxlai(
size(lcover0, dim = 1))) ; maxlai =
1271 canopy_height0 = merge(param(1), canopy_height0, lcover0 == 1)
1272 canopy_height0 = merge(param(2), canopy_height0, lcover0 == 2)
1276 maxlai = maxval(lai0, dim=2)
1278 do tt = 1,
size(lai0, 2)
1281 canopy_height0 = merge((param(3) * lai0(:, tt) / maxlai), canopy_height0, lcover0 == 3)
1287 zm = merge(canopy_height0 + zm, zm, ((abs(zm -
nodata_dp) .GT.
eps_dp) .AND. (zm .LT. canopy_height0)))
1290 displace = param(4) * canopy_height0
1291 zm_zero = param(5) * canopy_height0
1292 zh_zero = param(6) * zm_zero
1295 aerodyn_resistance0(:, tt) = log((zm - displace) / zm_zero) * log((zm - displace) / zh_zero) / (
1297 left_bound1, right_bound1, id0, mask0,
nodata_dp, aerodyn_resistance0(:, tt))
Provides constants commonly used by mHM, mRM and MPR.
real(dp), parameter, public eps_dp
epsilon(1.0) in double precision
real(dp), parameter, public nodata_dp
integer(i4), parameter, public nodata_i4
Provides structures needed by mHM, mRM and/or mpr.
real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, target, public global_parameters
integer(i4), dimension(nprocesses, 3), public processmatrix
Provides MPR specific constants.
real(dp), parameter, public windmeasheight
assumed meteorol.
real(dp), parameter, public karman
von karman constant
Global variables for mpr only.
integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable, public geounitkar
integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable, public geounitlist
integer(i4), public nsoilhorizons_mhm
type(soiltype), public soildb
real(dp), public fracsealed_cityarea
integer(i4), public iflag_soildb
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public horizondepth_mhm
Multiscale parameter regionalization (MPR) for neutrons.
subroutine, public mpr_neutrons(process_case, param, is_present, nhorizons, ntillhorizons, lcover0, clay, dbm, db, cosmic_l3_till, latwat_till, cosmic_l3, latwat)
multiscale parameter regionalization for neutrons
subroutine, public pet_correctbyasp(id0, latitude_l0, asp0, param, nodata, fasp0)
correction of PET
subroutine, public bulksurface_resistance(lai0, param, mask0, nodata, cell_id0, nl0_in_l1, upp_row_l1, low_row_l1, lef_col_l1, rig_col_l1, bulksurface_resistance1)
Regionalization of bulk surface resistance.
subroutine, public priestley_taylor_alpha(lai0, param, mask0, nodata, cell_id0, nl0_in_l1, upp_row_l1, low_row_l1, lef_col_l1, rig_col_l1, priestley_taylor_alpha1)
Regionalization of priestley taylor alpha.
subroutine, public pet_correctbylai(param, nodata, lcover0, lai0, mask0, cell_id0, upp_row_l1, low_row_l1, lef_col_l1, rig_col_l1, nl0_in_l1, l1_petlaicorfactor)
estimate PET correction factor based on LAI at L1
multiscale parameter regionalization for runoff generation
subroutine, public mpr_runoff(lcover0, mask0, sms_fc0, slope_emp0, ksvar_h0, param, cell_id0, upp_row_l1, low_row_l1, lef_col_l1, rig_col_l1, nl0_in_l1, l1_hl1, l1_k0, l1_k1, l1_alpha)
multiscale parameter regionalization for runoff parameters
setting up the soil moisture horizons
subroutine, public mpr_smhorizons(param, processmatrix, iflag_soil, nhorizons_mhm, horizondepth, lcover0, soilid0, nhorizons, ntillhorizons, thetas_till, thetafc_till, thetapw_till, thetas, thetafc, thetapw, wd, db, dbm, rzdepth, mask0, cell_id0, upp_row_l1, low_row_l1, lef_col_l1, rig_col_l1, nl0_in_l1, l1_beta, l1_sms, l1_fc, l1_pw, l1_froots, latwat_till, cosmic_l3_till, latwat, cosmic_l3, l1_bulkdens, l1_latticewater, l1_cosmicl3)
upscale soil moisture horizons
Multiscale parameter regionalization (MPR) for soil moisture.
subroutine, public mpr_sm(param, processmatrix, is_present, nhorizons, ntillhorizons, sand, clay, dbm, id0, soilid0, lcover0, thetas_till, thetafc_till, thetapw_till, thetas, thetafc, thetapw, ks, db, ksvar_h0, ksvar_v0, sms_fc0)
multiscale parameter regionalization for soil moisture
Multiscale parameter regionalization (MPR).
subroutine, public mpr(mask0, geounit0, soilid0, asp0, gridded_lai0, lcover0, slope_emp0, y0, id0, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, n_subcells1, fsealed1, alpha1, degdayinc1, degdaymax1, degdaynopre1, fasp1, harsamcoeff1, prietayalpha1, aeroresist1, surfresist1, froots1, kfastflow1, kslowflow1, kbaseflow1, kperco1, karstloss1, soilmoistfc1, soilmoistsat1, soilmoistexp1, jarvis_thresh_c1, tempthresh1, unsatthresh1, sealedthresh1, wiltingpoint1, maxinter1, petlaicorfactor, no_count1, bulkdens1, latticewater1, cosmicl31, parameterset)
Regionalizing and Upscaling process parameters.
subroutine snow_acc_melt_param(param, fforest1, fiperm1, fperm1, tempthresh1, degdaynopre1, degdayinc1, degdaymax1)
Calculates the snow parameters.
subroutine aerodynamical_resistance(lai0, lcover0, param, mask0, id0, n_subcells1, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, aerodyn_resistance1)
Regionalization of aerodynamic resistance.
subroutine karstic_layer(param, geounit0, mask0, sms_fc0, ksvar_v0, id0, n_subcells1, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, karstloss1, l1_kp)
calculates the Karstic percolation loss
subroutine baseflow_param(param, geounit0, k2_0)
baseflow recession parameter
subroutine, public canopy_intercept_param(processmatrix, param, lai0, n_subcells1, upper_bound1, lower_bound1, left_bound1, right_bound1, id0, mask0, nodata, max_intercept1)
estimate effective maximum interception capacity at L1
subroutine iper_thres_runoff(param, sealedthresh1)
sets the impervious layer threshold parameter for runoff generation
Module containing upscaling operators.
real(dp) function, dimension(size(nl0_cells_in_l1_cell, 1)), public upscale_arithmetic_mean(nl0_cells_in_l1_cell, l1_upper_rowid_cell, l1_lower_rowid_cell, l1_left_colonid_cell, l1_right_colonid_cell, l0_cellid, mask0, nodata_value, l0_finescale_data)
aritmetic mean
real(dp) function, dimension(size(l0upbound_inlx, 1)), public l0_fractionalcover_in_lx(datain0, classid, mask0, l0upbound_inlx, l0downbound_inlx, l0leftbound_inlx, l0rightbound_inlx, ntcells0_inlx)
fractional coverage of a given class of L0 fields in Lx field (Lx = L1 or L11)