The mesoscale Hydrological Model
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1!> \file mo_mrm_routing.f90
2!> \brief \copybrief mo_mrm_routing
3!> \details \copydetails mo_mrm_routing
5!> \brief Performs runoff routing for mHM at level L11.
6!> \details This module performs flood routing at a given time step through the stream network at level L11 to the sink cell.
7!! The Muskingum flood routing algorithm is used.
8!> \changelog
9!! - Stephan Thober Aug 2015
10!! - adapted to mRM
11!! - Sebastian Mueller Jun 2020
12!! - outsourcing helper functions
13!> \authors Luis Samaniego
14!> \date Dec 2012
15!> \copyright Copyright 2005-\today, the mHM Developers, Luis Samaniego, Sabine Attinger: All rights reserved.
16!! mHM is released under the LGPLv3+ license \license_note
17!> \ingroup f_mrm
20 ! This module performs runoff flood routing for mHM.
22 ! Written Luis Samaniego, Dec 2012
24 USE mo_kind, ONLY : i4, dp
30 PUBLIC :: mrm_routing
32 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
36 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
38 ! NAME
39 ! mRM_routing
42 !> \brief route water given runoff
44 !> \details This routine first performs mpr for the routing variables
45 !> if required, then accumulates the runoff to the routing resolution
46 !> and eventually routes the water in a third step. The last step is
47 !> repeated multiple times if the routing timestep is smaller than
48 !> the timestep of the hydrological timestep
51 !> \param[in] "logical :: read_states" whether states are derived from restart file
52 !> \param[in] "integer(i4) :: processCase" Process switch for routing
53 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: global_routing_param" routing parameters
54 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L1_total_runoff" total runoff from L1 grid cells
55 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L1_areaCell" L1 cell area
56 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: L1_L11_Id" L1 cell ids on L11
57 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L11_areaCell" L11 cell area
58 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: L11_L1_Id" L11 cell ids on L1
59 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: L11_netPerm" L11 routing order
60 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: L11_fromN" L11 source grid cell order
61 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: L11_toN" L11 target grid cell order
62 !> \param[in] "integer(i4) :: L11_nOutlets" L11 number of outlets/sinks
63 !> \param[in] "integer(i4) :: timestep" simulation timestep in [h]
64 !> \param[in] "real(dp) :: tsRoutFactor" factor between routing timestep and
65 !> hydrological timestep
66 !> \param[in] "integer(i4) :: nNodes" number of nodes
67 !> \param[in] "integer(i4) :: nInflowGauges" number of inflow gauges
68 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: InflowGaugeIndexList" index list of inflow gauges
69 !> \param[in] "logical, dimension(:) :: InflowGaugeHeadwater" flag for headwater cell of inflow gauge
70 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: InflowGaugeNodeList" gauge node list at L11
71 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: InflowDischarge" inflowing discharge at discharge gauge at
72 !> current day
73 !> \param[in] "integer(i4) :: nGauges" number of recording gauges
74 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: gaugeIndexList" index list for outflow gauges
75 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: gaugeNodeList" gauge node list at L11
76 !> \param[in] "logical :: map_flag" flag indicating whether routing resolution
77 !> iscoarser than hydrologic resolution
78 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L11_length" L11 link length
79 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L11_slope" L11 slope
80 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L11_FracFPimp" L11 fraction of flood plain with impervios
81 !> cover
84 !> \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L11_C1" L11 muskingum parameter 1
85 !> \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L11_C2" L11 muskingum parameter 2
86 !> \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L11_qOut" total runoff from L11 grid cells
87 !> \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(:, :) :: L11_qTIN" L11 inflow to the reach
88 !> \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(:, :) :: L11_qTR" L11 routed outflow
89 !> \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: L11_qMod" modelled discharge at each grid cell
90 !> \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: GaugeDischarge" modelled discharge at each gauge
93 !> \authors Stephan Thober
95 !> \date Aug 2015
97 ! Modifications:
98 ! Stephan Thober Sep 2015 - using arguments instead of global variables
99 ! Stephan Thober Sep 2015 - added variables for routing resolution higher than hydrologic resolution
100 ! Stephan Thober May 2016 - added check whether gauge is actually inside modelling domain before copying simulated runoff
101 ! Stephan Thober Nov 2016 - implemented second routing process i.e. adaptive timestep
102 ! Robert Schweppe Jun 2018 - refactoring and reformatting
104 subroutine mrm_routing( &
105 read_states, processCase, global_routing_param, L1_total_runoff, L1_areaCell, L1_L11_Id, &
106 L11_areaCell, L11_L1_Id, L11_netPerm, L11_fromN, L11_toN, L11_nOutlets, timestep, tsRoutFactor, &
107 nNodes, nInflowGauges, InflowGaugeIndexList, InflowGaugeHeadwater, InflowGaugeNodeList, &
108 InflowDischarge, nGauges, gaugeIndexList, gaugeNodeList, map_flag, L11_length, L11_slope, &
109 L11_FracFPimp, L11_C1, L11_C2, L11_qOut, L11_qTIN, L11_qTR, L11_qMod, GaugeDischarge &
110 )
112 use mo_constants, only : t0_dp
114 use mo_mrm_mpr, only : reg_rout
116 ! use mo_mrm_riv_temp_class, only : riv_temp_type
118 implicit none
120 ! whether states are derived from restart file
121 logical, intent(in) :: read_states
122 ! Process switch for routing
123 integer(i4), intent(in) :: processcase
124 ! routing parameters
125 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: global_routing_param
126 ! total runoff from L1 grid cells
127 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l1_total_runoff
128 ! L1 cell area
129 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l1_areacell
130 ! L1 cell ids on L11
131 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l1_l11_id
132 ! L11 cell area
133 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l11_areacell
134 ! L11 cell ids on L1
135 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l11_l1_id
136 ! L11 routing order
137 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l11_netperm
138 ! L11 source grid cell order
139 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l11_fromn
140 ! L11 target grid cell order
141 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l11_ton
142 ! L11 number of outlets/sinks
143 integer(i4), intent(in) :: l11_noutlets
144 ! simulation timestep in [h]
145 integer(i4), intent(in) :: timestep
146 ! factor between routing timestep and hydrological timestep
147 real(dp), intent(in) :: tsroutfactor
148 ! number of nodes
149 integer(i4), intent(in) :: nnodes
150 ! number of inflow gauges
151 integer(i4), intent(in) :: ninflowgauges
152 ! index list of inflow gauges
153 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: inflowgaugeindexlist
154 ! flag for headwater cell of inflow gauge
155 logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: inflowgaugeheadwater
156 ! gauge node list at L11
157 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: inflowgaugenodelist
158 ! inflowing discharge at discharge gauge at current day
159 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: inflowdischarge
160 ! number of recording gauges
161 integer(i4), intent(in) :: ngauges
162 ! index list for outflow gauges
163 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: gaugeindexlist
164 ! gauge node list at L11
165 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: gaugenodelist
166 ! flag indicating whether routing resolution iscoarser than hydrologic resolution
167 logical, intent(in) :: map_flag
168 ! L11 link length
169 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l11_length
170 ! L11 slope
171 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l11_slope
172 ! L11 fraction of flood plain with impervios cover
173 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: l11_fracfpimp
174 ! L11 muskingum parameter 1
175 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: l11_c1
176 ! L11 muskingum parameter 2
177 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: l11_c2
178 ! total runoff from L11 grid cells
179 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: l11_qout
180 ! L11 inflow to the reach
181 real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: l11_qtin
182 ! L11 routed outflow
183 real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: l11_qtr
184 ! modelled discharge at each grid cell
185 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: l11_qmod
186 ! modelled discharge at each gauge
187 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: gaugedischarge
189 integer(i4) :: s11, e11 ! only for riv temp routing
190 integer(i4) :: gg
191 integer(i4) :: tt
192 ! number of routing loops
193 integer(i4) :: rout_loop
194 ! variable for accumulation
195 real(dp), dimension(size(L11_qMod, dim = 1)) :: l11_qacc
196 real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: l11_e_acc
198 if ( riv_temp_pcs%active ) then
199 ! allocate accumulated temperature energy
200 allocate(l11_e_acc(size(l11_qmod, dim = 1)))
201 l11_e_acc = 0._dp ! init to zero
202 ! get shortcuts for start end ending of current L11-domain
203 s11 = riv_temp_pcs%s11
204 e11 = riv_temp_pcs%e11
205 end if
207 if (is_start) is_start = .false.
209 ! this is using the sealed fraction for determining the routing parameters
210 ! MPR has already been done
211 if (processcase .eq. 1_i4 .AND. (.not. read_states)) then
212 ! for a single node model run
213 if (nnodes .GT. 1) then
214 call reg_rout(global_routing_param, &
215 l11_length, l11_slope, l11_fracfpimp(: nnodes - l11_noutlets), &
216 real(timestep, dp), l11_c1(: nnodes - l11_noutlets), l11_c2(: nnodes - l11_noutlets))
217 end if
218 end if
220 ! =====================================================================
222 ! ====================================================================
223 ! calculate number of routing loops
224 rout_loop = max(1_i4, nint(1._dp / tsroutfactor))
226 ! runoff accumulation from L1 to L11 level
227 call l11_runoff_acc( &
228 l1_total_runoff, l1_areacell, l1_l11_id, &
229 l11_areacell, l11_l1_id, timestep, & ! Intent IN
230 map_flag, & ! Intent IN
231 l11_qout & ! Intent OUT
232 )
233 ! add inflow
234 call add_inflow( &
235 ninflowgauges, &
236 inflowgaugeindexlist, &
237 inflowgaugeheadwater, &
238 inflowgaugenodelist, &
239 inflowdischarge, & ! Intent IN
240 l11_qout & ! Intent INOUT
241 )
242 ! for a single node model run
243 if(nnodes .GT. 1) then
244 l11_qacc = 0._dp
245 ! routing multiple times if timestep is smaller than 1
246 do tt = 1, rout_loop
247 ! routing of water within river reaches
248 call l11_routing( &
249 nnodes, &
250 nnodes - l11_noutlets, &
251 l11_netperm, &
252 l11_fromn, & ! Intent IN
253 l11_ton, & ! Intent IN
254 l11_c1, & ! Intent IN
255 l11_c2, & ! Intent IN
256 l11_qout, & ! Intent IN
257 ninflowgauges, & ! Intent IN
258 inflowgaugeheadwater, & ! Intent IN
259 inflowgaugenodelist, & ! Intent IN
260 l11_qtin, & ! Intent INOUT
261 l11_qtr, & ! Intent INOUT
262 l11_qmod & ! Intent OUT
263 )
264 ! accumulate values of individual subtimesteps
265 l11_qacc = l11_qacc + l11_qmod
266 ! do the temperature routing
267 if ( riv_temp_pcs%active ) then
268 call riv_temp_pcs%L11_routing_E( &
269 nnodes - l11_noutlets, &
270 l11_netperm, &
271 l11_fromn, & ! Intent IN
272 l11_ton, & ! Intent IN
273 l11_c1, & ! Intent IN
274 l11_c2, & ! Intent IN
275 ninflowgauges, & ! Intent IN
276 inflowgaugeheadwater, & ! Intent IN
277 inflowgaugenodelist, & ! Intent IN
278 l11_qtr(:, 1), & ! Intent IN
279 l11_qmod & ! Intent IN
280 )
281 end if
282 end do
283 ! calculate mean over routing period (timestep)
284 l11_qmod = l11_qacc / real(rout_loop, dp)
285 else
287 if ( riv_temp_pcs%active ) riv_temp_pcs%river_temp(s11 : e11) = &
288 max(riv_temp_pcs%delta_T, riv_temp_pcs%netNode_E_out(s11 : e11) / l11_qout - t0_dp)
289 end if
291 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
292 ! FOR STORING the optional arguments
293 !
295 ! NOTE:: Node ID for a given gauging station is stored at gaugeindex's
296 ! index in runoff. In consequence the gauges in runoff are
297 ! ordered corresponing to gauge%Q(:,:)
298 !----------------------------------------------------------------------
299 do gg = 1, ngauges
300 gaugedischarge(gaugeindexlist(gg)) = l11_qmod(gaugenodelist(gg))
301 end do
303 end subroutine mrm_routing
305 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
307 ! NAME
308 ! L11_routing
311 !> \brief Performs runoff routing for mHM at L11 upscaled network
312 !> (\ref fig_routing "Routing Network").
313 !> \details
314 !> Hydrograph routing is carried out with the Muskingum algorithm
315 !> \cite CMM1988. This simplification of the St. Venant
316 !> equations is justified in mHM because the potential areas of
317 !> application of this model would hardly exhibit abruptly
318 !> changing hydrographs with supercritical flows. The discharge
319 !> leaving the river reach located on cell \f$ i \f$ \f$
320 !> Q_{i}^{1}(t) \f$ at time step \f$ t \f$ can be determined by
321 !> \f[ Q_{i}^{1}(t) = Q_{i}^{1}(t-1)
322 !> + c_{1} \left( Q_{i}^{0}(t-1) - Q_{i}^{1}(t-1) \right)
323 !> + c_{2} \left( Q_{i}^{0}(t) - Q_{i}^{0}(t-1) \right) \f]
324 !> with
325 !> \f[ Q_{i}^{0}(t) = Q_{i'}(t) + Q_{i'}^{1}(t) \f]
326 !> \f[ c_{1}= \frac{\Delta t} { \kappa (1- \xi ) + \frac{\Delta t}{2} } \f]
327 !> \f[ c_{2}= \frac{ \frac{\Delta t}{2} - \kappa \xi} { \kappa (1- \xi)
328 !> + \frac{\Delta t}{2} } \f]
329 !> where
330 !> \f$ Q_{i}^{0} \f$ and \f$ Q_{i}^{1} \f$ denote the discharge
331 !> entering and leaving the river reach located on cell \f$ i \f$
332 !> respectively.
333 !> \f$ Q_{i'} \f$ is the contribution from the upstream cell \f$
334 !> i'\f$.
335 !> \f$ \kappa \f$ Muskingum travel time parameter.
336 !> \f$ \xi \f$ Muskingum attenuation parameter.
337 !> \f$ \Delta t \f$ time interval in hours.
338 !> \f$ t \f$ Time index for each \f$ \Delta t \f$ interval.
339 !> To improve performance, a routing sequence "netPerm" is
340 !> required. This permutation is determined in the mo_init_mrm
341 !> routine.
343 !> \details TODO: add description
345 ! INTENT(IN)
346 !> \param[in] "integer(i4) :: nNodes" number of network nodes = nCells1
347 !> \param[in] "integer(i4) :: nLinks" number of stream segment (reaches)
348 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: netPerm" routing order of a given domain (permutation)
349 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: netLink_fromN" from node
350 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: netLink_toN" to node
351 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: netLink_C1" routing parameter C1 (\cite CMM1988 p. 25-41)
352 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: netLink_C2" routing parameters C2 (id)
353 !> \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: netNode_qOUT" Total outflow from cells (given domain) L11 at time
354 !> tt in [m3 s-1]
355 !> \param[in] "integer(i4) :: nInflowGauges" [-] number of inflow points
356 !> \param[in] "logical, dimension(:) :: InflowHeadwater" [-] if to consider headwater cells of inflow
357 !> gauge
358 !> \param[in] "integer(i4), dimension(:) :: InflowNodeList" [-] L11 ID of inflow points
361 !> \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(:, :) :: netNode_qTIN" [m3 s-1] Total inputs at t-1 and t
362 !> \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(:, :) :: netNode_qTR" [m3 s-1] Transformed outflow leaving
363 !> node I (Muskingum)
366 !> \param[out] "real(dp), dimension(nNodes) :: netNode_Qmod" [m3 s-1] Simulated routed discharge
369 !> \authors Luis Samaniego
371 !> \date Dec 2005
373 ! Modifications:
374 ! Luis Samaniego Feb 2008 - routing module (cells)
375 ! Rohini Kumar Aug 2011 - vector version of mHM-UFZ
376 ! Nov 2011 - parallel version
377 ! Luis Samaniego Jan 2013 - modularization, documentation
378 ! Robert Schweppe Jun 2018 - refactoring and reformatting
380 subroutine l11_routing(nNodes, nLinks, netPerm, netLink_fromN, netLink_toN, netLink_C1, netLink_C2, netNode_qOUT, &
381 nInflowGauges, InflowHeadwater, InflowNodeList, netNode_qTIN, netNode_qTR, netNode_Qmod)
382 implicit none
384 ! number of network nodes = nCells1
385 integer(i4), intent(in) :: nNodes
386 ! number of stream segment (reaches)
387 integer(i4), intent(in) :: nLinks
388 ! routing order of a given domain (permutation)
389 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: netPerm
390 ! from node
391 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: netLink_fromN
392 ! to node
393 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: netLink_toN
394 ! routing parameter C1 (\cite CMM1988 p. 25-41)
395 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: netLink_C1
396 ! routing parameters C2 (id)
397 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: netLink_C2
398 ! Total outflow from cells (given domain) L11 at time tt in [m3 s-1]
399 real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: netNode_qOUT
400 ! [-] number of inflow points
401 integer(i4), intent(in) :: nInflowGauges
402 ! [-] if to consider headwater cells of inflow gauge
403 logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: InflowHeadwater
404 ! [-] L11 ID of inflow points
405 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: InflowNodeList
406 ! [m3 s-1] Total inputs at t-1 and t
407 real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: netNode_qTIN
408 ! [m3 s-1] Transformed outflow leaving node I (Muskingum)
409 real(dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: netNode_qTR
410 ! [m3 s-1] Simulated routed discharge
411 real(dp), dimension(nNodes), intent(out) :: netNode_Qmod
413 integer(i4) :: g, i, k, iNode, tNode
414 ! current routing state (2)
415 integer(i4), parameter :: IT = 2
416 ! past routing state (1)
417 integer(i4), parameter :: IT1 = 1
419 ! Entry value for the auxiliary vectors
420 ! netNode_qTIN(iNode,:)
421 ! netNode_qTR(iNode,:)
422 ! which store current and past states of
423 ! incoming and outgoing of discharge at iNode
424 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
425 ! Muskingum Flood Routing
426 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
427 ! initialize total input at point time IT in all nodes
428 netnode_qtin(:, it) = 0.0_dp
429 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
430 ! Links in sequential mode .... with single node
431 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
432 ! ST - decent parallelization has to be done!!!
433 !!$OMP parallel
434 !!$OMP do private(g, i, inode, tnode)
435 do k = 1, nlinks
436 ! get LINK routing order -> i
437 i = netperm(k)
438 inode = netlink_fromn(i)
439 tnode = netlink_ton(i)
441 ! accumulate all inputs in iNode
442 netnode_qtin(inode, it) = netnode_qtin(inode, it) + netnode_qout(inode)
444 ! routing iNode
445 netnode_qtr(inode, it) = netnode_qtr(inode, it1) &
446 + netlink_c1(i) * (netnode_qtin(inode, it1) - netnode_qtr(inode, it1)) &
447 + netlink_c2(i) * (netnode_qtin(inode, it) - netnode_qtin(inode, it1))
449 ! check if the inflow from upstream cells should be deactivated
450 if (ninflowgauges .GT. 0) then
451 do g = 1, ninflowgauges
452 ! check if downstream Node (tNode) is inflow gauge and headwaters should be ignored
453 if ((tnode == inflownodelist(g)) .AND. (.NOT. inflowheadwater(g))) netnode_qtr(inode, it) = 0.0_dp
454 end do
455 end if
457 ! add routed water to downstream node
458 netnode_qtin(tnode, it) = netnode_qtin(tnode, it) + netnode_qtr(inode, it)
459 end do
460 !!$OMP end do
461 !!$OMP end parallel
463 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
464 ! Accumulate all inputs in tNode (netNode_qOUT) ONLY for last link
465 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
466 tnode = netlink_ton(netperm(nlinks))
467 netnode_qtin(tnode, it) = netnode_qtin(tnode, it) + netnode_qout(tnode)
469 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
470 ! save modeled discharge at time step tt then shift flow storages
471 ! (NOTE aggregation to daily values to be done outside)
472 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
473 ! !!$OMP parallel
474 ! store generated discharge
475 netnode_qmod(1 : nnodes) = netnode_qtin(1 : nnodes, it)
476 ! backflow t-> t-1
477 netnode_qtr(1 : nnodes, it1) = netnode_qtr(1 : nnodes, it)
478 netnode_qtin(1 : nnodes, it1) = netnode_qtin(1 : nnodes, it)
479 ! !!$OMP end parallel
481 end subroutine l11_routing
483END MODULE mo_mrm_routing
Global variables for mRM only.
real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, public l11_qtin
integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_netperm
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_qout
integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_l1_id
integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable, public l1_l11_id
type(riv_temp_type), public riv_temp_pcs
This is a container for the river temperature routing process (pcs)
integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_fromn
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_length
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_qmod
integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_ton
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_c1
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_slope
integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_noutlets
real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, public l11_qtr
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_areacell
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable, public l11_c2
Perform Multiscale Parameter Regionalization on Routing Parameters.
subroutine, public reg_rout(param, length, slope, ffpimp, ts, c1, c2)
Regionalized routing.
Performs pre-processing for routing for mHM at level L11.
subroutine l11_e_acc(qall, efecarea, l1_l11_id, l11_areacell, l11_l1_id, ts, map_flag, qacc)
temperature energy accumulation at L11.
subroutine, public add_inflow(ninflowgauges, inflowindexlist, inflowheadwater, inflownodelist, qinflow, qout)
Adds inflow discharge to the runoff produced at the cell where the inflow is occurring.
subroutine, public l11_runoff_acc(qall, efecarea, l1_l11_id, l11_areacell, l11_l1_id, ts, map_flag, qacc)
total runoff accumulation at L11.
Performs runoff routing for mHM at level L11.
subroutine, public mrm_routing(read_states, processcase, global_routing_param, l1_total_runoff, l1_areacell, l1_l11_id, l11_areacell, l11_l1_id, l11_netperm, l11_fromn, l11_ton, l11_noutlets, timestep, tsroutfactor, nnodes, ninflowgauges, inflowgaugeindexlist, inflowgaugeheadwater, inflowgaugenodelist, inflowdischarge, ngauges, gaugeindexlist, gaugenodelist, map_flag, l11_length, l11_slope, l11_fracfpimp, l11_c1, l11_c2, l11_qout, l11_qtin, l11_qtr, l11_qmod, gaugedischarge)
route water given runoff
subroutine l11_routing(nnodes, nlinks, netperm, netlink_fromn, netlink_ton, netlink_c1, netlink_c2, netnode_qout, ninflowgauges, inflowheadwater, inflownodelist, netnode_qtin, netnode_qtr, netnode_qmod)
Performs runoff routing for mHM at L11 upscaled network (Routing Network).