The mesoscale Hydrological Model
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1!> \file mo_meteo_helper.f90
2!> \brief \copybrief mo_meteo_helper
3!> \details \copydetails mo_meteo_helper
5!> \brief Prepare meteorological forcings data for mHM.
6!> \details Prepare meteorological forcings data for mHM.
7!> \authors Rohini Kumar
8!> \date Jan 2012
9!> \copyright Copyright 2005-\today, the mHM Developers, Luis Samaniego, Sabine Attinger: All rights reserved.
10!! mHM is released under the LGPLv3+ license \license_note
11!> \ingroup f_meteo
14 ! This module provides routines to read meteorological data.
16 ! Written Rohini Kumar, Jan 2013
17 ! Modified
19 USE mo_kind, ONLY : i4, dp
20 use mo_message, only: message, error_message
27 public :: meteo_weights_wrapper
28 public :: chunk_config
32 !> \brief Prepare meteorological forcings data for mHM at Level-1
33 !> \details Prepare meteorological forcings data for mHM, which include
34 !! 1) Reading meteo. datasets at their native resolution for every Domain
35 !! 2) Perform aggregation or disaggregation of meteo. datasets from their
36 !! native resolution (level-2) to the required hydrologic resolution (level-1)
37 !! 3) Pad the above datasets of every Domain to their respective global ones
38 !> \changelog
39 !! - Stephan Thober Jun 2014
40 !! - changed to readPer
41 !! - Stephan Thober Feb 2016
42 !! - refactored deallocate statements
43 !! - Robert Schweppe Jun 2018
44 !! - refactoring and reformatting
45 !! - Sebastian Müller Mar 2023
46 !! - used by meteo-handler
47 !! - now independent of global variables
48 !> \authors Rohini Kumar
49 !> \date Jan 2013
51 iDomain, dataPath, inputFormat, dataOut1, readPer, nTstepForcingDay, level1, level2, lower, upper, ncvarName, bound_error)
53 use mo_append, only : append
55 use mo_common_types, only : period, grid
56 use mo_read_nc, only : read_nc
59 implicit none
61 !> Domain Id
62 integer(i4), intent(in) :: idomain
63 !> Data path where a given meteo. variable is stored
64 character(len = *), intent(in) :: datapath
65 !> only 'nc' possible at the moment
66 character(len = *), intent(in) :: inputformat
67 !> Packed meterological variable for the whole simulation period
68 real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(inout) :: dataout1
69 !> start and end dates of read period
70 type(period), intent(in) :: readper
71 !> Number of forcing intervals per day
72 integer(i4), intent(inout) :: ntstepforcingday
73 !> grid information at hydrologic level
74 type(grid), dimension(:), intent(in) :: level1
75 !> Reference of the metereological variables
76 type(grid), dimension(:), intent(in) :: level2
77 !> Lower bound for check of validity of data values
78 real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: lower
79 !> Upper bound for check of validity of data values
80 real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: upper
81 !> name of the variable (for .nc files)
82 character(len = *), optional, intent(in) :: ncvarname
83 !> .FALSE. to only warn about bound (lower, upper) violations, default = .TRUE. - raise an error
84 logical, optional, intent(in) :: bound_error
86 logical, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: mask1
87 integer(i4) :: ncells1
88 integer(i4) :: nrows2, ncols2
89 logical, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: mask2
90 ! meteo data at level-2
91 real(dp), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: l2_data
92 ! meteo data at level-1
93 real(dp), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: l1_data
94 ! packed meteo data at level-1 from 3D to 2D
95 real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: l1_data_packed
96 integer(i4) :: ntimesteps
97 ! level-1_resolution/level-2_resolution
98 real(dp) :: cellfactorhbym
99 integer(i4) :: t
101 ! get basic Domain information at level-1
102 ncells1 = level1(idomain)%nCells
103 mask1 = level1(idomain)%mask
105 ! make basic Domain information at level-2
106 nrows2 = level2(idomain)%nrows
107 ncols2 = level2(idomain)%ncols
108 mask2 = level2(idomain)%mask
111 select case (trim(inputformat))
112 case('nc')
113 ! Fortran 2008 allowes to pass optional dummy arguments to another routine (when they are optional there too)
114 CALL read_nc(datapath, nrows2, ncols2, ncvarname, mask2, l2_data, target_period=readper, &
115 lower=lower, upper=upper, is_meteo=.true., bound_error=bound_error, ntstepforcingday=ntstepforcingday)
116 case DEFAULT
117 call error_message('***ERROR: meteo_forcings_wrapper: Not recognized input format')
118 end select
119 ! cellfactor to decide on the upscaling or downscaling of meteo. fields
120 cellfactorhbym = level1(idomain)%cellsize / level2(idomain)%cellsize
122 ! upscaling & packing
123 if(cellfactorhbym .gt. 1.0_dp) then
124 call spatial_aggregation(l2_data, level2(idomain)%cellsize, level1(idomain)%cellsize, mask1, mask2, l1_data)
125 ! downscaling
126 elseif(cellfactorhbym .lt. 1.0_dp) then
127 call spatial_disaggregation(l2_data, level2(idomain)%cellsize, level1(idomain)%cellsize, mask1, mask2, l1_data)
128 ! nothing
129 else
130 allocate(l1_data(size(l2_data, 1), size(l2_data, 2), size(l2_data, 3)))
131 l1_data(:, :, :) = l2_data(:, :, :)
132 end if
133 ! free memory immediately
134 deallocate(l2_data)
136 ! pack variables
137 ntimesteps = size(l1_data, 3)
138 allocate(l1_data_packed(ncells1, ntimesteps))
139 do t = 1, ntimesteps
141 l1_data_packed(:, t) = pack(l1_data(:, :, t), mask = mask1(:, :))
143 end do
145 ! free memory immediately
146 deallocate(l1_data)
148 ! append
149 call append(dataout1, l1_data_packed(:, :), nodata_dp)
151 !free space
152 deallocate(l1_data_packed)
154 end subroutine meteo_forcings_wrapper
157 !> \brief Prepare weights for meteorological forcings data for mHM at Level-1
158 !> \details Prepare meteorological weights data for mHM, which include
159 !! 1) Reading meteo. weights datasets at their native resolution for every Domain
160 !! 2) Perform aggregation or disaggregation of meteo. weights datasets from their
161 !! native resolution (level-2) to the required hydrologic resolution (level-1)
162 !! 3) Pad the above datasets of every Domain to their respective global ones
163 !> \changelog
164 !! - Stephan Thober May 2017
165 !! - updated documentation
166 !! - Robert Schweppe Jun 2018
167 !! - refactoring and reformatting
168 !! - Oldrich Rakovec Aug 2018
169 !! - adding message about reading meteo_weights
170 !! - Sebastian Müller Mar 2023
171 !! - used by meteo-handler
172 !! - now independent of global variables
173 !> \authors Stephan Thober & Rohini Kumar
174 !> \date Jan 2017
175 subroutine meteo_weights_wrapper(iDomain, read_meteo_weights, dataPath, dataOut1, level1, level2, lower, upper, ncvarName)
177 use mo_append, only : append
179 use mo_common_types, only : grid
180 use mo_read_nc, only : read_weights_nc
183 implicit none
185 !> Domain Id
186 integer(i4), intent(in) :: idomain
187 !> Flag for reading meteo weights
188 logical, intent(in) :: read_meteo_weights
189 !> Data path where a given meteo. variable is stored
190 character(len = *), intent(in) :: datapath
191 !> Packed meterological variable for the whole simulation period
192 real(dp), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable, intent(inout) :: dataout1
193 !> grid information at hydrologic level
194 type(grid), dimension(:), intent(in) :: level1
195 !> Reference of the metereological variables
196 type(grid), dimension(:), intent(in) :: level2
197 !> Lower bound for check of validity of data values
198 real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: lower
199 !> Upper bound for check of validity of data values
200 real(dp), optional, intent(in) :: upper
201 !> name of the variable (for .nc files)
202 character(len = *), optional, intent(in) :: ncvarname
204 logical, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: mask1
205 integer(i4) :: ncells1
206 integer(i4) :: nrows2, ncols2
207 logical, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: mask2
208 ! meteo weights data at level-2
209 real(dp), dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable :: l2_data
210 ! meteo weights data at level-1
211 real(dp), dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable :: l1_data
212 ! packed meteo weights data at level-1 from 4D to 3D
213 real(dp), dimension(:, :, :), allocatable :: l1_data_packed
214 integer(i4) :: nmonths, nhours
215 ! level-1_resolution/level-2_resolution
216 real(dp) :: cellfactorhbym
217 integer(i4) :: t, j
219 ! get basic Domain information at level-1
220 ncells1 = level1(idomain)%nCells
221 mask1 = level1(idomain)%mask
223 ! make basic Domain information at level-2
224 nrows2 = level2(idomain)%nrows
225 ncols2 = level2(idomain)%ncols
226 mask2 = level2(idomain)%mask
228 if (read_meteo_weights) then
229 call message(' read_meteo_weights = .TRUE. ... Reading meteo weights ... ')
230 CALL read_weights_nc(datapath, nrows2, ncols2, ncvarname, l2_data, mask2, lower=lower, upper=upper)
232 ! cellfactor to decide on the upscaling or downscaling of meteo. fields
233 cellfactorhbym = level1(idomain)%cellsize / level2(idomain)%cellsize
235 ! upscaling & packing
236 if(cellfactorhbym .gt. 1.0_dp) then
237 call spatial_aggregation(l2_data, level2(idomain)%cellsize, level1(idomain)%cellsize, mask1, mask2, l1_data)
238 ! downscaling
239 elseif(cellfactorhbym .lt. 1.0_dp) then
240 call spatial_disaggregation(l2_data, level2(idomain)%cellsize, level1(idomain)%cellsize, mask1, mask2, l1_data)
241 ! nothing
242 else
243 l1_data = l2_data
244 end if
245 ! free memory immediately
246 deallocate(l2_data)
248 ! pack variables
249 nmonths = size(l1_data, dim = 3)
250 nhours = size(l1_data, dim = 4)
251 allocate(l1_data_packed(ncells1, nmonths, nhours))
252 do t = 1, nmonths
253 do j = 1, nhours
254 l1_data_packed(:, t, j) = pack(l1_data(:, :, t, j), mask = mask1(:, :))
255 end do
256 end do
257 ! free memory immediately
258 deallocate(l1_data)
259 else
260 ! dummy allocation
261 allocate(l1_data_packed(ncells1, 12, 24))
262 l1_data_packed = nodata_dp
263 end if
265 ! append
266 call append(dataout1, l1_data_packed)
268 !free space
269 deallocate(l1_data_packed)
271 end subroutine meteo_weights_wrapper
274 !> \brief determines the start date, end date, and read_flag given Domain id and current timestep
275 !> \changelog
276 !! - Robert Schweppe Jun 2018
277 !! - refactoring and reformatting
278 !! - Sebastian Müller Mar 2023
279 !! - used by meteo-handler
280 !! - now independent of global variables
281 !> \authors Stephan Thober
282 !> \date Jun 2014
283 subroutine chunk_config(iDomain, tt, nTstepDay, simPer, timestep, timeStep_model_inputs, read_flag, readPer)
286 use mo_common_types, only: period
288 implicit none
290 !> current Domain
291 integer(i4), intent(in) :: idomain
292 !> current timestep
293 integer(i4), intent(in) :: tt
294 !> Number of time intervals per day
295 integer(i4), intent(in) :: ntstepday
296 !> warmPer + evalPer
297 type(period), dimension(:), intent(in) :: simper
298 !> [h] simulation time step (= TS) in [h]
299 integer(i4), intent(in) :: timestep
300 !> frequency for reading meteo input
301 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: timestep_model_inputs
302 !> indicate whether reading data should be read
303 logical, intent(out) :: read_flag
304 ! start and end dates of reading Period
305 type(period), intent(out) :: readper
307 ! initialize
308 read_flag = .false.
309 if (tt .eq. 1_i4) then
310 readper%julStart = int(nodata_dp, i4)
311 readper%julEnd = int(nodata_dp, i4)
312 readper%dstart = int(nodata_dp, i4)
313 readper%mstart = int(nodata_dp, i4)
314 readper%ystart = int(nodata_dp, i4)
315 readper%dend = int(nodata_dp, i4)
316 readper%mend = int(nodata_dp, i4)
317 readper%yend = int(nodata_dp, i4)
318 readper%Nobs = int(nodata_dp, i4)
319 end if
321 ! evaluate date and timeStep_model_inputs to get read_flag -------
322 read_flag = is_read(idomain, tt, ntstepday, simper, timestep, timestep_model_inputs)
323 !
324 ! determine start and end date of chunk to read
325 if (read_flag) call chunk_size(idomain, tt, ntstepday, simper, timestep_model_inputs, readper)
326 !
327 end subroutine chunk_config
330 !> \brief evaluate whether new chunk should be read at this timestep
331 !> \changelog
332 !! - Robert Schweppe Jun 2018
333 !! - refactoring and reformatting
334 !! - Sebastian Müller Mar 2023
335 !! - used by meteo-handler
336 !! - now independent of global variables
337 !> \authors Stephan Thober
338 !> \date Jun 2014
339 function is_read(iDomain, tt, nTstepDay, simPer, timestep, timeStep_model_inputs)
341 use mo_common_types, only : period
342 use mo_julian, only : caldat
344 implicit none
346 !> current Domain
347 integer(i4), intent(in) :: idomain
348 !> current time step
349 integer(i4), intent(in) :: tt
350 !> Number of time intervals per day
351 integer(i4), intent(in) :: ntstepday
352 !> warmPer + evalPer
353 type(period), dimension(:), intent(in) :: simper
354 !> [h] simulation time step (= TS) in [h]
355 integer(i4), intent(in) :: timestep
356 !> frequency for reading meteo input
357 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: timestep_model_inputs
359 logical :: is_read
361 ! number of simulated days
362 integer(i4) :: ndays
363 ! day
364 integer(i4) :: day
365 ! months
366 integer(i4) :: month
367 ! years
368 integer(i4) :: year
369 ! number of simulated days one timestep before
370 integer(i4) :: ndays_before
371 ! day one simulated timestep before
372 integer(i4) :: day_before
373 ! month one simulated timestep before
374 integer(i4) :: month_before
375 ! year one simulated timestep before
376 integer(i4) :: year_before
378 ! initialize
379 is_read = .false.
381 ! special case for first timestep
382 if (tt .eq. 1_i4) then
383 is_read = .true.
384 else
385 ! check if a new day started by comparing the day of the current time step (Ndays)
386 ! with the one before (Ndays_before)
387 ndays = ceiling((real(tt, dp)) / real(ntstepday, dp))
388 ndays_before = ceiling((real(tt, dp) - 1.0_dp) / real(ntstepday, dp))
390 ! evaluate cases of given timeStep_model_inputs
391 select case(timestep_model_inputs(idomain))
392 case(0) ! only at the beginning of the period
393 if (tt .eq. 1_i4) is_read = .true.
394 case(1 :) ! every timestep with frequency timeStep_model_inputs
395 if (mod((tt - 1) * timestep, timestep_model_inputs(idomain) * 24) .eq. 0_i4) is_read = .true.
396 case(-1) ! every day
397 if (ndays .ne. ndays_before) is_read = .true.
398 case(-2) ! every month
399 if (ndays .ne. ndays_before) then
400 ! calculate months
401 call caldat(simper(idomain)%julStart + ndays - 1, dd = day, mm = month, yy = year)
402 call caldat(simper(idomain)%julStart + ndays_before - 1, dd = day_before, mm = month_before, yy = year_before)
403 if (month .ne. month_before) is_read = .true.
404 end if
405 case(-3) ! every year
406 if (ndays .ne. ndays_before) then
407 ! calculate months
408 call caldat(simper(idomain)%julStart + ndays - 1, dd = day, mm = month, yy = year)
409 call caldat(simper(idomain)%julStart + ndays_before - 1, dd = day_before, mm = month_before, yy = year_before)
410 if (year .ne. year_before) is_read = .true.
411 end if
412 case default ! not specified correctly
413 call error_message('ERROR*** mo_meteo_helper: function is_read: timStep_model_inputs not specified correctly!')
414 end select
415 end if
417 end function is_read
420 !> \brief calculate beginning and end of read Period, i.e. that is length of current chunk to read
421 !> \changelog
422 !! - Stephan Thober Jan 2015
423 !! - added iDomain
424 !! - Robert Schweppe Jun 2018
425 !! - refactoring and reformatting
426 !! - Sebastian Müller Mar 2023
427 !! - used by meteo-handler
428 !! - now independent of global variables
429 !> \authors Stephan Thober
430 !> \date Jun 2014
431 subroutine chunk_size(iDomain, tt, nTstepDay, simPer, timeStep_model_inputs, readPer)
433 use mo_common_types, only: period
434 use mo_julian, only : caldat, julday
436 implicit none
438 !> current Domain to process
439 integer(i4), intent(in) :: iDomain
440 !> current time step
441 integer(i4), intent(in) :: tt
442 !> Number of time intervals per day
443 integer(i4), intent(in) :: nTstepDay
444 !> warmPer + evalPer
445 type(period), dimension(:), intent(in) :: simPer
446 !> frequency for reading meteo input
447 integer(i4), dimension(:), intent(in) :: timeStep_model_inputs
448 !> start and end dates of read Period
449 type(period), intent(out) :: readPer
451 ! number of simulated days
452 integer(i4) :: Ndays
453 ! day
454 integer(i4) :: day
455 ! months
456 integer(i4) :: month
457 ! years
458 integer(i4) :: year
460 ! calculate date of start date
461 ndays = ceiling(real(tt, dp) / real(ntstepday, dp))
463 ! get start date
464 readper%julStart = simper(idomain)%julStart + ndays - 1
466 ! calculate end date according to specified frequency
467 select case (timestep_model_inputs(idomain))
468 case(0) ! length of chunk has to cover whole period
469 readper%julEnd = simper(idomain)%julEnd
470 case(1 :) ! every timestep with frequency timeStep_model_inputs
471 readper%julEnd = readper%julStart + timestep_model_inputs(idomain) - 1
472 case(-1) ! every day
473 readper%julEnd = readper%julStart
474 case(-2) ! every month
475 ! calculate date
476 call caldat(simper(idomain)%julStart + ndays, dd = day, mm = month, yy = year)
477 ! increment month
478 if (month .eq. 12) then
479 month = 1
480 year = year + 1
481 else
482 month = month + 1
483 end if
484 readper%julEnd = julday(dd = 1, mm = month, yy = year) - 1
485 case(-3) ! every year
486 ! calculate date
487 call caldat(simper(idomain)%julStart + ndays, dd = day, mm = month, yy = year)
488 readper%julEnd = julday(dd = 31, mm = 12, yy = year)
489 case default ! not specified correctly
490 call error_message('ERROR*** mo_meteo_helper: chunk_size: timStep_model_inputs not specified correctly!')
491 end select
493 ! end date should not be greater than end of simulation period
494 readper%julEnd = min(readper%julEnd, simper(idomain)%julEnd)
496 ! calculate the dates of the start and end dates
497 call caldat(readper%julStart, dd = readper%dstart, mm = readper%mstart, yy = readper%ystart)
498 call caldat(readper%julEnd, dd = readper%dEnd, mm = readper%mend, yy = readper%yend)
499 readper%Nobs = readper%julEnd - readper%julstart + 1
501 end subroutine chunk_size
503END MODULE mo_meteo_helper
Spatial aggregation of meterological variables.
Spatial disaggregation of meterological variables.
Provides constants commonly used by mHM, mRM and MPR.
real(dp), parameter, public nodata_dp
Provides common types needed by mHM, mRM and/or mpr.
Prepare meteorological forcings data for mHM.
subroutine, public chunk_config(idomain, tt, ntstepday, simper, timestep, timestep_model_inputs, read_flag, readper)
determines the start date, end date, and read_flag given Domain id and current timestep
logical function is_read(idomain, tt, ntstepday, simper, timestep, timestep_model_inputs)
evaluate whether new chunk should be read at this timestep
subroutine chunk_size(idomain, tt, ntstepday, simper, timestep_model_inputs, readper)
calculate beginning and end of read Period, i.e.
subroutine, public meteo_weights_wrapper(idomain, read_meteo_weights, datapath, dataout1, level1, level2, lower, upper, ncvarname)
Prepare weights for meteorological forcings data for mHM at Level-1.
subroutine, public meteo_forcings_wrapper(idomain, datapath, inputformat, dataout1, readper, ntstepforcingday, level1, level2, lower, upper, ncvarname, bound_error)
Prepare meteorological forcings data for mHM at Level-1.
Spatial aggegation or disaggregation of meteorological input data.
Reads forcing input data.
subroutine, public read_weights_nc(folder, nrows, ncols, varname, data, mask, lower, upper, nocheck, maskout, filename, bound_error)
Reads weights for meteo forcings input in NetCDF file format.
subroutine, public read_nc(folder, nrows, ncols, varname, mask, data, target_period, lower, upper, nctimestep, filename, nocheck, maskout, is_meteo, bound_error, ntstepforcingday)
Reads forcing input in NetCDF file format.