The mesoscale Hydrological Model
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1!> \file mo_common_types.F90
2!> \brief \copybrief mo_common_types
3!> \details \copydetails mo_common_types
5!> \brief Provides common types needed by mHM, mRM and/or mpr.
6!> \changelog
7!! - Stephan Thober Nov 2016
8!! - moved processdescription from mo_global_variables to here
9!! - Robert Schweppe Dec 2017
10!! - merged more duplicated variables from mhm and mrm global variables
11!! - Robert Schweppe Jun 2018
12!! - refactoring and reformatting
13!! - Sebastian Müller Mar 2023
14!! - moving types to a separate module
15!> \authors Stephan Thober
16!> \date Sep 2015
17!> \authors Sebastian Müller
18!> \date Mar 2023
19!> \copyright Copyright 2005-\today, the mHM Developers, Luis Samaniego, Sabine Attinger: All rights reserved.
20!! mHM is released under the LGPLv3+ license \license_note
21!> \ingroup f_common
24 use mo_kind, only : i4, dp
25#ifdef MPI
26 USE mpi_f08
28 implicit none
30 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
31 ! PERIOD description
32 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
33 !> \class period
34 !> \brief period description
35 type, public :: period
36 integer(i4) :: dstart !< first day
37 integer(i4) :: mstart !< first month
38 integer(i4) :: ystart !< first year
39 integer(i4) :: dend !< last day
40 integer(i4) :: mend !< last month
41 integer(i4) :: yend !< last year
42 integer(i4) :: julstart !< first julian day
43 integer(i4) :: julend !< last julian day
44 integer(i4) :: nobs !< total number of observations
45 end type period
47 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
48 ! GRID description
49 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
50 !> \class grid
51 !> \brief grid description
52 type, public :: grid
53 ! general domain information
54 integer(i4) :: ncols !< Number of columns
55 integer(i4) :: nrows !< Number of rows
56 integer(i4) :: ncells !< Number of cells in mask
57 real(dp) :: xllcorner !< x coordinate of the lowerleft corner
58 real(dp) :: yllcorner !< y coordinate of the lowerleft corner
59 real(dp) :: cellsize !< Cellsize x = cellsize y
60 real(dp) :: nodata_value !< Code to define the mask
61 real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: x !< 2d longitude array (unmasked version is needed for output anyway)
62 real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: y !< 2d latitude array (unmasked version is needed for output anyway)
63 logical, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: mask !< the mask for valid cells in the original grid (nrows*ncols)
64 ! for referencing values in the nValidCells vector
65 integer(i4) :: istart !< Starting cell index of a given domain
66 integer(i4) :: iend !< Ending cell index of a given domain
67 ! dimension(nCells, (x,y) )
68 integer(i4), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: cellcoor !< this is only used for mRM
69 real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: cellarea !< area of the cell in sq m
70 integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: id !< id
72 end type grid
74 !> \class gridremapper
75 !> \brief grid remapper
76 type, public :: gridremapper
77 type(grid), pointer :: high_res_grid !< high resolution grid
78 type(grid), pointer :: low_res_grid !< low resolution grid
80 ! dimension nCells
81 integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: lower_bound !< 1d index of lower side subgrid
82 integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: upper_bound !< 1d index of upper side subgrid
83 integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: left_bound !< 1d index of left side subgrid
84 integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: right_bound !< 1d index of right side subgrid
85 integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: n_subcells !< 1d numberof valid subgrid cells
86 integer(i4), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: lowres_id_on_highres !< 2d index array of lowres id
88 end type gridremapper
90 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
91 ! DOMAIN general description
92 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
93 !> \class domain_meta
94 !> \brief DOMAIN general description
95 type, public :: domain_meta
96 integer(i4) :: ndomains !< number of domains
97 integer(i4) :: overallnumberofdomains !< Number of domains for multi-domain optimization
98 integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: indices !< indices
99 integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: l0datafrom !< index of associated level-0 domain
100 ! optidata saves for each domain which optional data is assigned to it
101 ! (0) default: the program decides. If you are confused, choose 0
102 ! (1) runoff
103 ! (2) sm
104 ! (3) tws
105 ! (4) neutons
106 ! (5) et
107 ! (6) et & tws
108 integer(i4), dimension(:), allocatable :: optidata !< optidata flag (0-6)
109 logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: dorouting !< flag to indicate if routing is done
110#ifdef MPI
111 logical :: ismasterincomlocal !< true if the process is master proc in comLocal
112 !> the communicater the domains are using to send messages to each other here are all processes wich have rank 0 in comLocal
113 type(mpi_comm) :: commaster
114 type(mpi_comm) :: comlocal !< the communicater the domain internal communication takes place
116 end type domain_meta
118end module mo_common_types
Provides common types needed by mHM, mRM and/or mpr.
DOMAIN general description.