LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - mHM - mo_soil_moisture.f90 (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: mHM coverage Lines: 63 69 91.3 %
Date: 2024-04-15 17:48:09 Functions: 3 3 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : !> \file mo_soil_moisture.f90
       2             : !> \brief \copybrief mo_soil_moisture
       3             : !> \details \copydetails mo_soil_moisture
       4             : 
       5             : !> \brief Soil moisture of the different layers
       6             : !> \details Soil moisture in the different layers is calculated with
       7             : !! infiltration as \f$ (\theta / \theta_{sat})^\beta \f$
       8             : !! Then evapotranspiration is calculated from PET with a soil water stress  factor \f$ f_{SM} \f$
       9             : !! either using  the Feddes equation - processCase(3) = 1:
      10             : !! \f[ f_{SM} = \frac{\theta - \theta_\mathit{pwp}}{\theta_\mathit{fc} - \theta_\mathit{pwp}} \f]
      11             : !! or using the Jarvis equation - processCase(3) = 2:
      12             : !! \f[ f_{SM} = \frac{1}{\theta_\mathit{stress-index-C1}}
      13             : !! \frac{\theta - \theta_\mathit{pwp}}{\theta_\mathit{sat} - \theta_\mathit{pwp}} \f]
      14             : !> \authors Matthias Cuntz, Luis Samaniego
      15             : !> \date Dec 2012
      16             : !> \copyright Copyright 2005-\today, the mHM Developers, Luis Samaniego, Sabine Attinger: All rights reserved.
      17             : !! mHM is released under the LGPLv3+ license \license_note
      18             : !> \ingroup f_mhm
      19             : MODULE mo_soil_moisture
      20             : 
      21             :   USE mo_kind, ONLY : i4, dp
      22             : 
      23             :   IMPLICIT NONE
      24             : 
      25             :   PUBLIC :: feddes_et_reduction
      26             :   PUBLIC :: jarvis_et_reduction
      27             : 
      28             :   PUBLIC :: soil_moisture  ! Soil moisture in different soil horizons
      29             : 
      30             :   ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
      31             : 
      32             : CONTAINS
      33             : 
      34             :   ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
      35             : 
      36             :   !    NAME
      37             :   !        soil_moisture
      38             : 
      39             :   !    PURPOSE
      40             :   !>       \brief Soil moisture in different soil horizons
      41             : 
      42             :   !>       \details Infiltration \f$I\f$ from one layer \f$k-1\f$ to the next \f$k\f$ on
      43             :   !>       pervious areas is calculated as (omit \f$t\f$)
      44             :   !>       \f[ I[k] = I[k-1] (\theta[k] / \theta_{sat}[k])^{\beta[k]} \f]
      45             :   !>       Then soil moisture can be calculated as (omit \f$k\f$)
      46             :   !>       \f[ \theta[t] = \theta[t-1] + I[t] - \mathit{ET}[t] \f]
      47             :   !>       with \f$ \mathit{ET} \f$ (omit \f$[k,t]\f$) being
      48             :   !>       \f[ \mathit{ET} = f_\mathrm{roots} \cdot f_{SM} \cdot \mathit{PET} \f].
      49             : 
      50             :   !    INTENT(IN)
      51             :   !>       \param[in] "integer(i4) :: processCase"                   1 - Feddes equation for PET reduction2 - Jarvis
      52             :   !>       equation for PET reduction3 - Jarvis equation for PET reduction and FC dependency on root fraction coefficient
      53             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: frac_sealed"                      Fraction of sealed area
      54             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: water_thresh_sealed"              Threshhold water depth in impervious areas [mm TS-1]
      55             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: pet"                              Reference evapotranspiration [mm TS-1]
      56             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: evap_coeff"                       Evaporation coefficent for free-water surface of
      57             :   !>       that current month
      58             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: soil_moist_sat"     Saturation soil moisture for each horizon [mm]
      59             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: frac_roots"         Fraction of Roots in soil horizon
      60             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: soil_moist_FC"      Soil moisture below which actual ET is reduced [mm]
      61             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: wilting_point"      Permanent wilting point for each horizon [mm]
      62             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp), dimension(:) :: soil_moist_exponen" Exponential parameter to how non-linear is the soil
      63             :   !>       water retention
      64             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: jarvis_thresh_c1"                 Jarvis critical value for normalized soil water
      65             :   !>       content
      66             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: aet_canopy"                       Actual ET from canopy [mm TS-1]
      67             : 
      68             :   !    INTENT(INOUT)
      69             :   !>       \param[inout] "real(dp) :: prec_effec"                                       Effective precipitation (rain +
      70             :   !>       snow melt) [mm]
      71             :   !>       \param[inout] "real(dp) :: runoff_sealed"                                    Direct runoff from impervious
      72             :   !>       areas
      73             :   !>       \param[inout] "real(dp) :: storage_sealed"                                   Retention storage of impervious
      74             :   !>       areas
      75             :   !>       \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(size(soil_moist_sat, 1)) :: infiltration" Recharge, infiltration intensity
      76             :   !>       oreffective precipitation of each horizon [mm TS-1]
      77             :   !>       \param[inout] "real(dp), dimension(size(soil_moist_sat, 1)) :: soil_moist"   Soil moisture of each horizon
      78             :   !>       [mm]
      79             : 
      80             :   !    INTENT(OUT)
      81             :   !>       \param[out] "real(dp), dimension(size(soil_moist_sat, 1)) :: aet" actual ET [mm TS-1]
      82             :   !>       \param[out] "real(dp) :: aet_sealed"                              actual ET from free-water surfaces,i.e
      83             :   !>       impervious cover [mm TS-1]
      84             : 
      85             :   !    HISTORY
      86             :   !>       \authors Matthias Cuntz
      87             : 
      88             :   !>       \date Dec 2012
      89             : 
      90             :   ! Modifications:
      91             :   ! Robert Schweppe Jun 2018 - refactoring and reformatting
      92             :   ! M. Cuneyd Demirel, Simon Stisen Jun 2020 - added Feddes and FC dependency on root fraction coefficient processCase(3) = 4
      93             : 
      94    76647048 :   subroutine soil_moisture(processCase, frac_sealed, water_thresh_sealed, pet, evap_coeff, soil_moist_sat, frac_roots, &
      95    76647048 :                           soil_moist_FC, wilting_point, soil_moist_exponen, jarvis_thresh_c1, aet_canopy, prec_effec, &
      96    76647048 :                           runoff_sealed, storage_sealed, infiltration, soil_moist, aet, aet_sealed)
      97             : 
      98             :     use mo_common_constants, only : eps_dp
      99             : 
     100             :     implicit none
     101             : 
     102             :     ! 1 - Feddes equation for PET reduction2 - Jarvis equation for PET reduction3 - Jarvis equation for PET reduction
     103             :     ! and FC dependency on root fraction coefficient
     104             :     integer(i4), intent(in) :: processCase
     105             : 
     106             :     ! Fraction of sealed area
     107             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: frac_sealed
     108             : 
     109             :     ! Threshhold water depth in impervious areas [mm TS-1]
     110             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: water_thresh_sealed
     111             : 
     112             :     ! Reference evapotranspiration [mm TS-1]
     113             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: pet
     114             : 
     115             :     ! Evaporation coefficent for free-water surface of that current month
     116             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: evap_coeff
     117             : 
     118             :     ! Saturation soil moisture for each horizon [mm]
     119             :     real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: soil_moist_sat
     120             : 
     121             :     ! Fraction of Roots in soil horizon
     122             :     real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: frac_roots
     123             : 
     124             :     ! Soil moisture below which actual ET is reduced [mm]
     125             :     real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: soil_moist_FC
     126             : 
     127             :     ! Permanent wilting point for each horizon [mm]
     128             :     real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: wilting_point
     129             : 
     130             :     ! Exponential parameter to how non-linear is the soil water retention
     131             :     real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: soil_moist_exponen
     132             : 
     133             :     ! Jarvis critical value for normalized soil water content
     134             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: jarvis_thresh_c1
     135             : 
     136             :     ! Actual ET from canopy [mm TS-1]
     137             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: aet_canopy
     138             : 
     139             :     ! Effective precipitation (rain + snow melt) [mm]
     140             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: prec_effec
     141             : 
     142             :     ! Direct runoff from impervious areas
     143             :     real(dp), intent(inout) :: runoff_sealed
     144             : 
     145             :     ! Retention storage of impervious areas
     146             :     real(dp), intent(inout) :: storage_sealed
     147             : 
     148             :     ! Recharge, infiltration intensity oreffective precipitation of each horizon [mm TS-1]
     149             :     real(dp), dimension(size(soil_moist_sat, 1)), intent(inout) :: infiltration
     150             : 
     151             :     ! Soil moisture of each horizon [mm]
     152             :     real(dp), dimension(size(soil_moist_sat, 1)), intent(inout) :: soil_moist
     153             : 
     154             :     ! actual ET [mm TS-1]
     155             :     real(dp), dimension(size(soil_moist_sat, 1)), intent(out) :: aet
     156             : 
     157             :     ! actual ET from free-water surfaces,i.e impervious cover [mm TS-1]
     158             :     real(dp), intent(out) :: aet_sealed
     159             : 
     160             :     ! counter
     161             :     integer(i4) :: hh
     162             : 
     163             :     ! Effective Prec or infiltration from above
     164    76647048 :     real(dp) :: prec_effec_soil
     165             : 
     166             :     ! Runoof fraction
     167    76647048 :     real(dp) :: frac_runoff
     168             : 
     169             :     ! PET reduction factor according to actual soil moisture
     170    76647048 :     real(dp) :: soil_stress_factor
     171             : 
     172             :     ! temporary variable for misc use
     173    76647048 :     real(dp) :: tmp
     174             : 
     175             : 
     176             :     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
     177             :     ! IMPERVIOUS COVER PROCESS
     178             :     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
     179    76647048 :     runoff_sealed = 0.0_dp
     180    76647048 :     aet_sealed = 0.0_dp
     181             : 
     182    76647048 :     if (frac_sealed > 0.0_dp) then
     183    71921832 :       tmp = storage_sealed + prec_effec
     184             : 
     185    71921832 :       if (tmp > water_thresh_sealed) then
     186    17562477 :         runoff_sealed = tmp - water_thresh_sealed
     187    17562477 :         storage_sealed = water_thresh_sealed
     188             :       else
     189             :         runoff_sealed = 0.0_dp
     190    54359355 :         storage_sealed = tmp
     191             :       end if
     192             : 
     193             :       ! aET from sealed area is propotional to the available water content
     194    71921832 :       if(water_thresh_sealed .gt. eps_dp) then
     195    71921832 :         aet_sealed = (pet / evap_coeff - aet_canopy) * (storage_sealed / water_thresh_sealed)
     196             :         ! numerical problem
     197    71921832 :         if (aet_sealed .lt. 0.0_dp) aet_sealed = 0.0_dp
     198             :       else
     199           0 :         aet_sealed = huge(1.0_dp)
     200             :       end if
     201             : 
     202             :       ! sealed storage updata
     203    71921832 :       if (storage_sealed .gt. aet_sealed) then
     204    68320422 :         storage_sealed = storage_sealed - aet_sealed
     205             :       else
     206     3601410 :         aet_sealed = storage_sealed
     207     3601410 :         storage_sealed = 0.0_dp
     208             :       end if
     209             : 
     210             :     end if
     211             :     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
     212             :     ! N-LAYER SOIL MODULE
     213             :     ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
     214   229941144 :     aet(:) = 0.0_dp
     215   229941144 :     infiltration(:) = 0.0_dp
     216             : 
     217             :     ! for 1st layer input is prec_effec
     218    76647048 :     prec_effec_soil = prec_effec
     219             : 
     220   229941144 :     do hh = 1, size(soil_moist_sat, 1) ! nHorizons
     221             :       ! input for other layers is the infiltration from its immediate upper layer will be input
     222   153294096 :       if (hh .NE. 1) prec_effec_soil = infiltration(hh - 1)
     223             : 
     224             :       !  start processing for soil moisture process
     225             :       !  BASED ON SMs as its upper LIMIT
     226             : 
     227   153294096 :       if (soil_moist(hh) > soil_moist_sat(hh)) then
     228           0 :         infiltration(hh) = prec_effec_soil
     229             :       else
     230             :         ! to avoid underflow -- or numerical errors
     231   153294096 :         if(soil_moist(hh) > eps_dp) then
     232             :           !frac_runoff = (soil_moist(hh) / soil_moist_sat(hh))**soil_moist_exponen(hh)
     233   153294096 :           frac_runoff = exp(soil_moist_exponen(hh) * log(soil_moist(hh) / soil_moist_sat(hh)))
     234             :         else
     235             :           frac_runoff = 0.0_dp
     236             :         end if
     237   153294096 :         tmp = prec_effec_soil * (1.0_dp - frac_runoff)
     238             : 
     239   153294096 :         if ((soil_moist(hh) + tmp) > soil_moist_sat(hh)) then
     240           0 :           infiltration(hh) = prec_effec_soil + (soil_moist(hh) - soil_moist_sat(hh))
     241           0 :           soil_moist(hh) = soil_moist_sat(hh)
     242             :         else
     243   153294096 :           infiltration(hh) = prec_effec_soil - tmp
     244   153294096 :           soil_moist(hh) = soil_moist(hh) + tmp
     245             :         end if
     246             :       end if
     247             : 
     248             :       !             aET calculations
     249             : 
     250             :       !  Satisfying ET demand sequentially from top to the bottom layer
     251             :       !  Note that the potential ET for the first soil layer is reduced after
     252             :       !  satisfying ET demands of the canopy surface
     253             : 
     254   153294096 :       aet(hh) = pet - aet_canopy                                                     ! First layer
     255   229941144 :       if (hh /= 1) aet(hh) = aet(hh) - sum(aet(1 : hh - 1), mask = (aet(1 : hh - 1) > 0.0_dp)) ! remaining layers
     256             : 
     257             :       ! estimate fraction of ET demand based on root fraction and SM status
     258   153294096 :       select case(processCase)
     259             :         ! FEDDES EQUATION:
     260             :       case(1 , 4)
     261   151511952 :         soil_stress_factor = feddes_et_reduction(soil_moist(hh), soil_moist_FC(hh), wilting_point(hh), &
     262   151511952 :                              frac_roots(hh))
     263             :         ! JARVIS EQUATION:
     264             :       case(2 , 3)
     265             :         !!!!!!!!! INTRODUCING STRESS FACTOR FOR SOIL MOISTURE ET REDUCTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     266     1782144 :         soil_stress_factor = jarvis_et_reduction(soil_moist(hh), soil_moist_sat(hh), wilting_point(hh), &
     267   155076240 :                              frac_roots(hh), jarvis_thresh_c1)
     268             :       end select
     269             : 
     270   153294096 :       aet(hh) = aet(hh) * soil_stress_factor
     271             : 
     272             :       ! avoid numerical error
     273   153294096 :       if(aet(hh) < 0.0_dp) aet(hh) = 0.0_dp
     274             : 
     275             :       ! reduce SM state
     276   153294096 :       if(soil_moist(hh) > aet(hh)) then
     277   153294096 :         soil_moist(hh) = soil_moist(hh) - aet(hh)
     278             :       else
     279           0 :         aet(hh) = soil_moist(hh) - eps_dp
     280           0 :         soil_moist(hh) = eps_dp
     281             :       end if
     282             : 
     283             :       ! avoid numerical error of underflow
     284   229941144 :       if(soil_moist(hh) < eps_dp) soil_moist(hh) = eps_dp
     285             : 
     286             :     end do ! hh
     287             : 
     288             : 
     289             : 
     290    76647048 :   end subroutine soil_moisture
     291             : 
     292             : 
     293             :   ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
     294             : 
     295             :   !    NAME
     296             :   !        feddes_et_reduction
     297             : 
     298             :   !    PURPOSE
     299             :   !>       \brief stress factor for reducing evapotranspiration based on actual soil moisture
     300             : 
     301             :   !>       \details Potential evapotranspiration is reduced to 0 if SM is lower PWP. PET is equal
     302             :   !>       fraction of roots if soil moisture is exceeding field capacity. If soil moisture is
     303             :   !>       in between PWP and FC PET is reduced by fraction of roots times a stress factor.
     304             : 
     305             :   !>       The ET reduction factor \f$ f \f$ is estimated as
     306             :   !>       \f[ f = \left\{
     307             :   !>       \begin{array}{lr}
     308             :   !>       f_{roots}  & if \theta \ge \theta_{fc}\\
     309             :   !>       f_{roots} \cdot \frac{\theta - \theta_\mathit{pwp}}{\theta_\mathit{fc} - \theta_\mathit{pwp}} &
     310             :   !>       if \theta < \theta_{fc} \\
     311             :   !>       0 & if \theta < \theta_{pwp}
     312             :   !>       \end{array}
     313             :   !>       \right. \f]
     314             : 
     315             :   !    INTENT(IN)
     316             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: soil_moist"    Soil moisture of each horizon [mm]
     317             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: soil_moist_FC" Soil moisture below which actual ET is reduced [mm]
     318             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: wilting_point" Permanent wilting point
     319             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: frac_roots"    Fraction of Roots in soil horizon is reduced [mm]
     320             : 
     321             :   !    RETURN
     322             :   !>       \return real(dp) :: feddes_et_reduction; et reduction factor
     323             : 
     324             :   !    HISTORY
     325             :   !>       \authors Matthias Cuntz, Cueneyd Demirel, Matthias Zink
     326             : 
     327             :   !>       \date March 2017
     328             : 
     329             :   ! Modifications:
     330             :   ! Robert Schweppe Jun 2018 - refactoring and reformatting
     331             :   ! M. Cuneyd Demirel, Simon Stisen Jun 2020 - added Feddes and FC dependency on root fraction coefficient processCase(3) = 4
     332             : 
     333   151511952 :   elemental pure FUNCTION feddes_et_reduction(soil_moist, soil_moist_FC, wilting_point, frac_roots)
     334             :     implicit none
     335             : 
     336             :     ! Soil moisture of each horizon [mm]
     337             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: soil_moist
     338             : 
     339             :     ! Soil moisture below which actual ET is reduced [mm]
     340             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: soil_moist_FC
     341             : 
     342             :     ! Permanent wilting point
     343             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: wilting_point
     344             : 
     345             :     ! Fraction of Roots in soil horizon is reduced [mm]
     346             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: frac_roots
     347             : 
     348             :     ! reference evapotranspiration in [mm s-1]
     349             :     real(dp) :: feddes_et_reduction
     350             : 
     351             : 
     352             :     !    SM >= FC
     353   151511952 :     if (soil_moist >= soil_moist_FC) then
     354    82717277 :       feddes_et_reduction = frac_roots
     355             :       ! PW < SM < FC
     356    68794675 :     else if (soil_moist > wilting_point) then
     357    66702131 :       feddes_et_reduction = frac_roots * (soil_moist - wilting_point) / (soil_moist_FC - wilting_point)
     358             :       ! SM <= PW
     359             :     else
     360             :       feddes_et_reduction = 0.0_dp
     361             :     end if
     362             : 
     363    76647048 :   END FUNCTION feddes_et_reduction
     364             : 
     365             :   ! ------------------------------------------------------------------
     366             : 
     367             :   !    NAME
     368             :   !        jarvis_et_reduction
     369             : 
     370             :   !    PURPOSE
     371             :   !>       \brief stress factor for reducing evapotranspiration based on actual soil moisture
     372             : 
     373             :   !>       \details The soil moisture stress factor is estimated based on the normalized soil water
     374             :   !>       content. The normalized soil water content \f$ \theta_{norm} \f$ is estimated as:
     375             :   !>       \f[ \theta_{norm} =  \frac{\theta - \theta_\mathit{pwp}}
     376             :   !>       {\theta_{sat} - \theta_{pwp}}  \f]
     377             :   !>       The ET reduction factor \f$ f \f$ is estimated as
     378             :   !>       \f[ f = \left\{
     379             :   !>       \begin{array}{lr}
     380             :   !>       f_{roots}  & if \theta_{norm} \ge jarvis\_sm\_threshold\_c1 \\
     381             :   !>       f_{roots}\frac{\theta_{norm}}{jarvis\_sm\_threshold\_c1}  &
     382             :   !>       if  \theta_{norm} < jarvis\_sm\_threshold\_c1 \\
     383             :   !>       \end{array}
     384             :   !>       \right. \f]
     385             : 
     386             :   !    INTENT(IN)
     387             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: soil_moist"       Soil moisture of each horizon [mm]
     388             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: soil_moist_sat"   saturated Soil moisture content [mm]
     389             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: wilting_point"    Permanent wilting point
     390             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: frac_roots"       Fraction of Roots in soil horizon is reduced [mm]
     391             :   !>       \param[in] "real(dp) :: jarvis_thresh_c1" parameter C1 from Jarvis formulation
     392             : 
     393             :   !    RETURN
     394             :   !>       \return real(dp) :: jarvis_et_reduction; et reduction factor
     395             : 
     396             :   !    HISTORY
     397             :   !>       \authors Cueneyd Demirel, Matthias Zink
     398             : 
     399             :   !>       \date March 2017
     400             : 
     401             :   ! Modifications:
     402             :   ! Robert Schweppe Jun 2018 - refactoring and reformatting
     403             :   ! M. Cuneyd Demirel, Simon Stisen Jun 2020 - added Feddes and FC dependency on root fraction coefficient processCase(3) = 4
     404             : 
     405     1782144 :   elemental pure FUNCTION jarvis_et_reduction(soil_moist, soil_moist_sat, wilting_point, frac_roots, jarvis_thresh_c1)
     406             :     implicit none
     407             : 
     408             :     ! Soil moisture of each horizon [mm]
     409             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: soil_moist
     410             : 
     411             :     ! saturated Soil moisture content [mm]
     412             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: soil_moist_sat
     413             : 
     414             :     ! Permanent wilting point
     415             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: wilting_point
     416             : 
     417             :     ! Fraction of Roots in soil horizon is reduced [mm]
     418             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: frac_roots
     419             : 
     420             :     ! parameter C1 from Jarvis formulation
     421             :     real(dp), intent(in) :: jarvis_thresh_c1
     422             : 
     423             :     ! reference evapotranspiration in [mm]
     424             :     real(dp) :: jarvis_et_reduction
     425             : 
     426             :     ! normalized soil water content
     427     1782144 :     real(dp) :: theta_inorm
     428             : 
     429             : 
     430             :     ! Calculating normalized Soil Water Content
     431     1782144 :     theta_inorm = (soil_moist - wilting_point) / (soil_moist_sat - wilting_point)
     432             : 
     433             :     ! correct for numerical unaccuracies
     434     1782144 :     if (theta_inorm .LT. 0.0_dp)    theta_inorm = 0.0_dp
     435     1782144 :     if (theta_inorm .GT. 1.0_dp)    theta_inorm = 1.0_dp
     436             : 
     437             :     ! estimate fraction of ET demand based on root fraction and SM status using theta_inorm
     438             :     ! theta_inorm >= jarvis_thresh_c1
     439     1782144 :     if (theta_inorm .GE. jarvis_thresh_c1) then
     440      815201 :       jarvis_et_reduction = frac_roots
     441             :       ! 0 < theta_inorm < jarvis_thresh_c1
     442      966943 :     else if (theta_inorm .LT. jarvis_thresh_c1) then
     443      966943 :       jarvis_et_reduction = frac_roots * (theta_inorm / jarvis_thresh_c1)
     444             :     end if
     445             : 
     446   151511952 :   END FUNCTION jarvis_et_reduction
     447             : 
     448             : END MODULE mo_soil_moisture

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